It’s bad enough Ed Sheeran infiltrated Game of Thrones with a pointless cameo. He also recently did a couple of shows at Wells Fargo and decided to have a cheesesteak while in town. Did he go to Pat’s? Geno’? Jim’s? Tony Luke’s? John’s Roast Pork? Dalessandro’s?

Nah. None of the above.

According to People Magazine, He went Barclay Prime and paid $143 for his cheesesteak, which had the additional lobster topping. What a toolbag, especially after playing in South Philly! This guy is as superficial and shallow as the crap boy-band/singer-songwriting music he peddles.

Let’s also not lose fact of the total VIOLATION of Barclay Prime for featuring such a pretentious and obnoxious version of the famous Philly sandwich. I can smell that item every time I walk past Barclay Prime and reeks like douchebaggery.

Sheeran did wear a Phillies jersey at one of the shows.

And…he apparently showed up to Chickie’s & Pete’s in his pajamas, so there’s that.

Neither makes up for the $143 cheesesteaks. A true man of the people.